Welcome to the ACMS Foundation
The mission of the ACMS Foundation is: “Advancing wellness by confronting social determinants and health disparities”.
ACMS Foundation History
Founded in 1960, the Allegheny County Medical Society Foundation has extended the reach of physicians into the community. Many of the remarkable medical achievements are undergirded by a network of organizations supported over the years by the ACMS Foundation’s charitable grants, with the common goal of improving the health and well-being of Allegheny County residents.
A diverse range of organizations throughout the county trace their growth in part to the generosity of the Foundation’s community grant making.

Beyond the dollars, the impact of the ACMS Foundation continues to make Pittsburgh the vibrant, healthy region it is today.


President Elect


Member - Board of Trustees

Member - Board of Trustees

Member - Board of Trustees

Past Trustee
- Maria Baker (Term Ends Dec. 31, 2025)
- Laura Caravello (Term Ends Dec. 31, 2025)
- Alma Lucas (Term Ends Dec. 31, 2024)
- Kevin Miko (Term Ends Dec. 31, 2024)

Maria Baker

Laura Caravello

Alma Lucas

- Sara Hussey, MBA, CAE - ACMS Foundation Executive Director
- Melanie Mayer - Operations Coordinator - ACMS & ACMS Foundation

Sara Hussey, MBA, CAE