ACMS Board Nominations

Nominations for the 2025 Board of Directors and 2025 ACMS Delegation will open on June 15, 2024. Nominations will be accepted through July 15, 2024


Election Notice: As a result of a recent Bylaws change, the ACMS Election will now take place during the first week of September. Voting will be open electronically from September 2-9. Eligible ACMS voting members will receive a personalized link via email on Monday, September 2nd. If you don’t receive your ballot email on September 2, please check your Spam, Junk, or Other folders. If you still can’t find it, email Melanie Mayer ([email protected]) for assistance.

The ACMS Nominating Committee is accepting nominations for five open positions on the 2025 Board of Directors, including (5) three-year term board seats. The ACMS Election will take place during the first week of September* and the new board members will be announced following certification at the September 10, 2024 Board of Directors meeting. The terms of the new Board members will begin on January 1, 2025.

The ACMS Board of Directors:

Serving on the board can be a huge step in your career. The time commitment is manageable at four meetings a year (one per quarter). The purpose of the board is to advise the ACMS management team on the direction of the medical society. Your insight, expertise, and support can help us make meaningful changes. You are boots on the ground. You know what issues you face daily. We need your voice and perspective in our board room.

The ACMS Delegation:

The ACMS Delegation will also elect several members to serve as Delegates or Alternate Delegates for the PAMED House of Delegates. The 2025 dates for the House of Delegates are October 17 – 19, 2025. ACMS Delegates are elected for a term of two-years (and may not serve more than 3 consecutive terms). Alternate Delegates are elected for a one-year term and there is no limit to consecutive terms for Alternate Delegates. Applicants for a Delegate or Alternate Delegate position should be considerate that the ability and willingness to attend the House of Delegates in-person will be considered during the vetting process. In-person attendance will be encouraged.

Nominations Details

Board of Directors:

  • The Board of Directors shall consist of the President, President-Elect, the immediate Past President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, fifteen Directors elected by the Society at-large, a Director representing Medical Students, a Director representing Residents.

  • The Board of Directors shall meet at least four times each year and as necessary. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the President at any time or upon written request of the majority of the Board.

  • The Board of Directors shall have charge of the general business of the Society and shall have full authority to act upon all matters within the jurisdiction of the Society.

The House of Delegates:

  • The Delegation of the Allegheny County Medical Society to the Pennsylvania Medical Society shall consist of the number of Delegates and/or Alternates appropriate for the number of Active members in the Allegheny County Medical Society. The Delegates shall be elected for a term of two years, one half of the number being elected each year. The elected Delegates shall take office as of January of the year following their election.

  • The Delegation to the Pennsylvania Medical Society has the responsibility of representing the members of the Allegheny County Medical Society to the House of Delegates of the Pennsylvania Medical Society. It shall have the further duty of presenting to the House of Delegates the resolution(s) presented to it by the Board of Directors of the Allegheny County Medical Society.

Questions? Contact ACMS Executive Director – Sara Hussey at [email protected]

Election Timeline:

  • Nomination Deadline: July 15, 2024
  • Slate of Candidates Due: August 1, 2024*
  • Election Begins: September 2, 2024*
  • Election Ends: September 9, 2024*
  • Results Certified by the Board of Directors: September 10, 2024*
  • Board Members/Delegates Sworn In: November 13, 2024 *
  • 2025 Board/Delegate Term Begins: January 1, 2025

*Pending Approval of Proposed Bylaws Changes