2. Client Intake

After verifying the clients physician status via medical identification card, you should send the PWP Informed Consent to Treat Form to the client after setting up an appointment. It is a signable Adobe Acrobat file, although members may choose to print it and fill it out manually. The consent to treat is designed to create discussion and understanding between you and the client during your first session.  

Instructions for Managing PWP Consent to Treat Forms and Demographics Tracking

Before the First Session:

  1. Send Consent Packet:
    • When an appointment is scheduled, send the client a consent packet. This packet includes:
      • Consent to Treat Form
      • Demographics Tracking Card
      • Program Evaluation Form


During the First Session:

  1. Collect Signed Forms:
    • Ask the client to fill out and sign the following documents:
      • Consent to Treat Form
      • Demographics Tracking Card
    • Explain that the Program Evaluation Form should be completed after they have finished their services or used up their benefit year sessions.
    • Store the completed forms in the client’s file for billing and demographic tracking purposes.


Ongoing Sessions:

  1. Demographics Tracking Card for Sessions 2-4:
    • At the second, third, and fourth sessions, ask the client to complete the Demographics Tracking Card.
    • Ensure the information is filled out for each session.
    • Print or save the completed form and keep it in the client’s file to aid with billing and demographic tracking.


Annual Update:

  1. Renewed Benefit Period:
    • At the beginning of each new 12-month benefit period, during the first billing appointment, have the client fill out a new Consent to Treat Form and Demographics Tracking Card.


Upon Completion of Services:

  1. Program Evaluation Form:
    • Provide the client with the Program Evaluation Form at the first session.
    • Ask them to complete it once they have finished their services or exhausted their benefit year sessions.
    • Keep the completed evaluation in the client’s file.



  • First Session: Collect Consent to Treat and Demographics Card.
  • Sessions 2-4: Fill out Demographics Tracking Card.
  • Each Year: Update forms at the start of a new benefit period.
  • Completion of Services: Collect Program Evaluation Form.